I Am That Girl!


She absolutely is who you think she is. She absolutely is that girl.

It horrifies her sometimes when she considers the things that go through her mind. She has behaved in some truly wicked ways in her lifetime, and she has had other people behave horribly wickedly toward her. Yet here we all are…still here. This indicates that there is much to be learned by all of us about humanity and the lack thereof.

In one of her favorite movies, “Heaven and Earth,” the heroine’s mother tells her that heaven and earth have exchanged many times for her. In all our lifetimes, if we are as blessed, we also will experience both the glory of God and the devastation of life in a fallen world. And the joy and pain of both are very real. But the world continues to revolve around the Son in its tiny spot in the universe. And if God remains gracious enough, we will continue to evolve with it.

© 2021 Erin Lynn Hopkins